Networking. Opportunities. Shape the Future:.

As a CUHAS graduate, you have made a difference in our country for the good of all. Now you have the chance to leave a legacy and contribute towards a bright future for your university.

Get Involved

The Convocation of the Catholic University of Health and Allied Sciences “strives to be the harbinger of better times”, “the living tie that binds the past activities of the university to the present and future”.
To provide a dynamic public forum for the Tanzanian community that fosters the birth of new healthy ideas and promotes dialogue on matters whose understanding by the people is crucial to national survival and development.

Convocation is a statutory body and the name given to the University’s largest constituency – its alumni. Established in 2013, the Convocation has provide CUHAS graduates with representation in respect of the affairs of the University.It was recognized, from the beginning, that the graduates form an important constituent part of the University. The membership of the Convocation is representative of all Schools and Faculties. Convocation’s role is to discuss and state its opinion upon any matter relating to the University. Convocation enables alumni to have a say in University matters. In carrying out this mandate, Convocation members sit on various university committees, to ensure that the voice of alumni is present in the running of the university.The Convocation links the members of the convocation on a life-long basis to the University, to the ongoing mutual benefit of the University, its members and future members of the Convocation.

Remaining connected with your alma mater holds several benefits. Herewith a few of these benefits:

  • Networking: As CUHAS alumni, you become part of an international network of alumni with similar educational backgrounds, diverse perspectives, and growing connections. Toast your transition from student to alumnus/alumna at our platform and embrace the power of a vast and supportive network.
  • Opportunities: Our network, programmes, and platforms provide a gateway to seizing opportunities even after graduation. Connect with fellow alumni, tap into our resources, and unlock pathways to success in your chosen field.
  • Shape the Future: Participating in our alumni engagement programmes allows you to play a vital role in shaping the future of CUHAS. By supporting students, becoming an ambassador of the university, and sharing your knowledge and experiences, you contribute to the growth and development of future generations.

This office manages the relationship between the institution and the graduate. The office communicates with the alumni community through newsletters, events, web pages and other resources. The role Convocation Officer is largely about communication. The key role of the office is set up to keep alumni connected to each other and the university encourage and promote the professional development of alumni on an individual level, and to keep the alumni community aware of the university’s developments and needs, including fundraising opportunities and achievements. Alumni Relations Officers are also responsible for bringing current students into the alumni community, so a lot of promotion work is involved.


Convocation Executive Committee
This is an executive organ of the Convocation chaired by the President. It is a decision making body and is responsible for carrying out the main functions of the Convocation. The composition of the Convocation Executive Committee (ECC) consist of The President, The Vice President, The Vice Chancellor, DVC - ARC, DVC – PFA (secretary to the Convocation), and other members elected during Annual General Meeting.

Convocation Activities Committee
This committee deliberate on and determine three year activity action plan of the Convocation [of routine and/or innovative nature] and, with approval of the ECC, may seek to review or follow-up on annual basis in the interest of the entire alumni and the University, including maintaining and updating of the Convocation, as well as report on such activities at the annual general meetings (AGM) of the Convocation members; Maintains calendar of meetings in time for a reporting to the ECC as may be scheduled.

Convocation Publication Committee
This committee oversees and maintains regular publications for sound and effective communication, informative and educative value to the University’s alumni and the general public, such publications including:  Convocation Web Page  Convocation Newsletter  Books arising from proceedings of the Convocation, Convocation seminars, symposia or other important functions of the Convocation.  To maintain a calendar of meetings in time for a reporting to the Convocation Executive Meetings as may be scheduled.

Convocation Standing Committee for Fundrising
This is one of the key committees of the convocation. It serve as the ECC think-tank on the possible generic source of funds that the University can tap towards sustainably running various activities for the benefit of the University community and alumni. The committee advises the ECC, mobilizes, and executes all fundraising projects, campaigns and programs that can be undertaken to the advantage of both the University and her alumni.

Massage from the President

As a valued member of our Convocation and alumni community, staying connected with CUHAS is an enriching experience that enables you to shape the future of our institution, support fellow graduates, embrace opportunities, build valuable networks, and remain engaged with our vibrant community. What CUHAS does today can influence the value of your qualification in the future. Convocation enables alumni to have a say in University matters, ensuring that the quality and reputation of your CUHAS qualification is maintained and strengthened. Through Alumni office and the Convocation, I invite you to join us in making a positive impact. Update your contact details, get involved, and continue your journey as a proud CUHAS alumnus/alumna. In partnership with our university, let's celebrate our shared legacy and forge new paths of success.

Convocation Elections

The Convocation elects the President and office bearers of Convocation members in accordance with the University’s rules. Four people are elected by the Convocation via paper ballot from among the members of the Convocation.

Why vote

Voting for the President and the executive members of Convocation allows you to have a say in who represents you regarding institutional matters of the University including matters referred by the Council, the Senate and the University Forum

How do you vote?

Voting is done through paper ballot voting system that only allows those who attend an Annual General Meeting (AGM) to vote. This is to ensure that a vote cannot be transferred.

Who is the Convocation?

You! The Convocation includes all university graduates, academic staff, and former full-time academic staff who have reached retirement age. To ensure effective communication, it is essential to update your contact details with the Alumni Office. Membership on the Convocation allows you to vote and receive important notices.

Vote in the Elections

The Convocation elects Members of the Executive Committee of Convocation, as well as the President of the Convocation, in accordance with the University’s rules. Voting for the President and the executive of Convocation allows you to have a say in your representation regarding governance matters relating to the University

When are the next elections?

The next Executive committee of Convocation elections will be held in November 2026.

The Convocation's Impact

The Convocation serves as an advisory body to the Council and the Institutional Forum. As a Convocation member, you can provide advice, nominate individuals for positions, and elect representatives to these governing bodies. By participating in the Convocation, you have the opportunity to influence important decisions concerning equity policies, management selection, and the overall institutional culture.


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Check our Team

Dr.Anthony Liwa


Dr.Mary Ndibalema

Vice President

Ms.Janeth Peter

Deputy Secretary

Prof.Stephen E.Mshana

The Secretary

Mr. Emmanuel Nyamilonda

Honorary Treasurer


Contact Us

Our Address

CUHAS, P.O. Box 1464 Mwanza, Tanzania

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Landline: +255 28 298 3384
Fax: +255 28 298 3386
Mobile: +255 737 749 901

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